Tell Me More

A Game You Say?

During these 10 days, we’ll be engaging in an immersive game.

Rather than an escape from day-to-day life, this game invites you to lean deeper into it and try on new mindsets. 

As we go about our days, we will notice, celebrate, and create the nodes & threads of connection that weave our community more tightly and resiliently together.

Take the spider’s web as a metaphor for our community. We have many strong threads-–anchored by gifted community activators—radiating outward into various aspects of life: food, movement, government, social justice. Kind of like the spider web woven with fewer cross-threads. This game is focused on weaving across our normal patterns to create a denser and more supportive community web.

Choose Your Own Path

The structure of the 10-day container will include a Kick-off gathering, 2 convergence gatherings where we all come together to share and see what’s been happening, and a closing party. In between, there will be a myriad of pre-planned and emergent events, encouraged collaboration time, and interactive gameplay that pervades all aspects of day-to-day life.

You are invited to engage in however much or little of the game’s offerings throughout this period. Your participation should feel aligned with your enthusiasm and pre-existing commitments.

View the Calendar here!

Where is this coming from?

[CO]here is an emergence sprouting from a few heartful friends.

Some of them are part of Woven web, a local org exploring how to encourage interconnectivity across Boulder.

Our Wider Web

[CO]here is also part of a wider emergence. We want to uplift our relationship to and the inspiration we draw from:

Why now?

Times are urgent we must slow down.

This ‘game’ is meant to get to the heart of the resilience work we need to be doing — deepening into relationships and using our collective imagination to enact life in a way that works for all life.

Is this really meant to be silly AND serious?

Gratitude. Grief. Glee. Giggles. Have you ever felt all of these at the same time?

We have. They are all appropriate responses to being alive; here, now. We want the full spectrum of emotions to feel welcome.